Other publications

Other publications

Van Lommel, P; ( 2003) Open Letter to Michael Shermer. Concerning “Demon-Haunted Brain’ by Michael Shermer, Scientific American, March 2003.

English books/chapters  

(not complete)

Van Lommel, P. (2007). The reality of Life and death. In: Latherow, T.(Ed) Pieces of the Puzzle, volume 2, Our Reality, The Universal Center for World Spirituality. pp. 81-93.

Van Lommel, P. (2009) Acceding to the Field: The case of Near-Death Experiences in survivors of cardiac arrest. In: Laszlo, E. (Ed.) The Akashic Experience. Science and the Cosmic Memory Field.  Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont. pp 175-193.

Van Lommel, P. (2009) Endless Consciousness. A Concept Based on Scientific Studies on Near-Death Experience. In: Murray C.D. (Ed) : Psychological Scientific Perspectives on Out of Body and Near Death Experiences. Nova Science Publishers, New York. pp. 171-187.

Van Lommel, P. (2011)  Endless Consciousness. A Concept based on Scientific Studies of Near-Death Experience. In: Walach H., Schmidt S.(Eds) Neuroscience, Spirituality and Consciousness. Springer Publishers Heidelberg/ New York. pp. 207–229.

Van Lommel, P. (2012) Pathophysiological Aspects of Near-Death Experiences. In: Perera, M., Jagadheesan, K, Peake, A (Eds). Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences. A Handbook for clinicians. Jessica Kingsley publishers, London and Philadelphia. pp. 79-94.

Van Lommel, P. (2014) What are Death Experiences? (interview). In: Bachrach, J.: Glimpsing Heaven. The Stories and Science of Life After Death. National Geographic, Washington, D.C. pp.75-101.

Van Lommel, P. (2017) The NDE and Nonlocal Consciousness. In: Kean, L. Surviving Death. A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife. Crown Archetype, a division of Penguin Random House, New York. pp. 114-127

Van Lommel, P. (2017) Dutch Prospective Research on Near-Death Experience during Cardiac Arrest. In: Hagan III, J.C. Ed. The Science of Near-Death Experiences. University of Missouri Press, Columbia. pp. 39-49.

Van Lommel, P. (in Press) Near-death experience and the loss of brain function during cardiac arrest: a strong indication for non-local consciousness. (Chapter 12)  In: Beauregard, M., Schwartz, G.E., Trent, N.L. (Eds): Expanding Science. Visions of a Post-Materialist Paradigm. Parammedia, Lund.

Van Lommel, P. (2019). Nonlocal Consciousness: A concept based on scientific studies on near-death experiences in survivors of cardiac arrest. (Chapter 1) In: Death, The gateway to Life. An interdisciplinary Exploration of Near- death Experiences. Edited by Shirley Firth & Joanna Wilson. Published by the Institute for Theological Partnerships [ITP] , University of Winchester, UK. pp 16 – 58.

English preface 

(not complete)

Van Lommel, P. (2014) Foreword, in Sartori, P.: The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences. How understanding NDEs can help us live more fully. Watkins Publishing, London.

Van Lommel, P. (2015) Foreword, in Woollacott, M.H.: Infinite Awareness. The awakening of a scientific mind Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham,  London.


Van Lommel, P. (e.a.) (2009) Die Kontinuität des Bewusstseins. Ein neues Konzept, gegründet auf Forschungsergebnisse zu Nahtoderfahrungen. In: Serwaty A., Nicolay, J. (Eds) Nahtod-Erfahrung – Neue Wege der Forschung. Santiago Verlag Goch. p.p. 19 – 40

Van Lommel, P. (2009) Endloses Bewusstsein. Neue Medizinische Fakten zur Nahtoderfahrung. Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf.

Van Lommel, P. (e.a.) (2008) Kontinuität des Bewusstseins? Forschungsergebnisse zu Nah-Tod-Erlebnisse. In: Nah-Tod-Erlebnisse. Blick in eine andere Wirklichkeit? Bewusstsein ohne Hirnfunktion, Leise Botschaften, Spirituelle Dimension .Gesundheitsförderung im Alltag  nr 191. Gesundheit Aktiv. Anthroposophische Heilkunst e.v. Bad Liebenzell. pp 2-15.

Van Lommel, P. (2020) Vorwort. In: Evelyn Elssaesser: Nachtod Kontakte. Spontane Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen. [ Original: Quand les défunts viennent à nous , 2017] Crotona Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. Amerang. Pp. 9 – 17.