

The original Dutch edition ‘Eindeloos Bewustzijn’, from 2007, is now in its 27th print, and more than 155.000 copies have been sold in The Netherlands.

OTHER TRANSLATIONS: By now about 350.000 copies have been sold worldwide. His book was  published in Germany in 2009 by Patmos Verlag: ‘Endloses Bewusstsein. Neue Medizinische Fakten zur Nahtoderfahrung’ (already the 10th edition), and it has been published in the English language by Harper Collins in 2010, entitled: Consciousness beyond Life. The science of the near-death Experience. In 2011 the Polish edition was published [Artvitae: ‘Wieczna Swiadomosc. Naukowa wizja ‘Zycia po zyciu’], the Spanish translation [Atalanta: ‘Consciencia màs allá de la Vida’] was published in March 2012, and in May 2012 his book was published in France by Dunod, entitled ‘Mort ou Pas?. Les dernières découvertes médicales sur les Experiences de Mort Imminente’. In December 2015 the book was also published in Latvia, and in January 2017 the book was published in Italy, entitled:’Coscienza oltre la Vita’. In 2018 the book was published in Hungary, in 2020 in China, and in 2021 in Russia.

You will be able to find more information about translations in another language as soon as they become available.

The Netherlands (2007)

English Edition (USA, UK) (2010)

Germany (2009)

Germany (Pocketbook) (2009)

France (2012)

Spain (2012)

Italy (2017)

China (2020)

Russia (2021)

Poland (2011)

Latvia (2015)

Hungary (2018)